Analyze performance of a Webhook Campaign

Measure Campaign Performance with Hackle's Powerful Data Analytics

Step 1. Select a Campaign

Navigate to the Webhook menu in the dashboard and select the campaign whose performance you'd like to analyze.

Selecting a Webhook Campaign

Selecting a Webhook Campaign

Step 2. Review Summary Statistics

For campaigns with sending history, you can immediately view basic statistical information at the top of the page. This provides a quick overview of the number of sends and the sending success rate. To conduct a more detailed analysis of the campaign's performance, click the Analyze Detailed Results button in the top right corner.

Step 3. Detailed Performance Analysis

You can easily analyze the sending events of your selected campaign through funnel chart.

Analyzing Data

Delivery Summary

Funnel Chart Analysis

Funnel Chart Analysis

Step 3-1. Basic Settings

Default Analysis Conditions

Default Analysis Conditions

The events have the following meanings:

  • Number of Sends (UV): $webhook_send
  • The identifier criteria is set the same as the targeted cohort (device_id or user_id)
  • The viewing period matches the campaign's schedule.

Step 3-1. Additional Analysis

Want to know the conversion rate after webhook delivery?

Select desired events (for example: coupon application, purchase completion) in the analysis steps to immediately view the conversion rate that occurred after webhook delivery.

Need to compare different user groups?

Set up desired user groups (for example: Android, iOS users) in the right-side Segment to easily compare conversion rates between different user segments.

Comparing Conversion Rates by User Group

Comparing Conversion Rates by User Group