Custom Properties

This article covers custom properties that you can define and collect data from to suit your own needs.


In order to use custom properties

  1. SDK integration is required. (Code work needed!)
  2. SDKs that support custom properties include:
  • Android
  • iOS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • React Native
  • Java/Kotlin
  • Python
  • Node.js

Set-up rules

Apply the rules below to design custom properties.

  1. Properties can be assigned to users.
  2. Users can have up to 64 properties.
  3. The property value must be expressed as yes/no, a number, or a string.
  4. Among property values, numbers can have up to 15 integers and 6 decimal places, and strings can have up to 64 characters.

How to use

  1. Hackle SDK must be integrated.
    Currently, only JavaScript SDK and React SDK are supported for Hackle-provided properties.
    Check the SDK integration method for your specific language in the SDK category.

  2. Transfer properties to Hackle using a method that uses a user object as a parameter.
    Please refer to the 'User Identifiers and Property’ document for each language in the SDK category.

Reference documents for developers