Send a Push Message Campaign

Push message - Set Schedule

Once everything is ready, click the "Set Schedule" button at the top right of the screen to configure the necessary details for sending the message.

Before sending, you can double-check the number of users in the selected cohort.

Choose the appropriate message delivery type and set up customer fatigue management to send your message effectively.

Step 1. Select Delivery Type

At Hackle, we offer three delivery types. Choose the appropriate delivery type based on the nature of your message.

Time-based DeliverySends a message at the designated times.
Event-based DeliverySends a message when a specific event occurs.
API-Triggered DeliverySends messages based on the API request.

1-1. Time-based Delivery

Send immediately

A push notification will be sent immediately to users in the cohort.

This is ideal for urgent announcements or updates about ongoing events.

After configuring the send settings, it may take a few minutes for the message to be delivered to users.

Schedule a time

Schedule a message to be sent to users in the cohort at your desired time. You can set the time by specifying the preferred time zone.

Once the scheduled time is reached, it may take a few minutes for the message to be delivered to users.

Send repeatedly

Send the same message to users in the cohort on a recurring basis. You can set up complex schedules, and the next delivery date will be automatically calculated and displayed whenever conditions change.

Once the scheduled time is reached, it may take a few minutes for the message to be delivered to users.

  • Delivery Frequency

    • Daily: You can set messages to be sent daily or every other day.
    • Weekly: Specify certain days of the week for sending, such as every Tuesday or every other Tuesday and Thursday.
      • Example: If today is Wednesday and you set it to send every other Tuesday and Thursday, it will be sent this Thursday, skipped next week (Tuesday and Thursday), and sent again on Tuesday and Thursday the week after.
    • Monthly: Schedule messages for specific days each month, like the 5th of every month or every other month on the 5th.
  • Campaign Duration

    • Start: Set a specific start date and time for the campaign.
    • End:
      • No End Date: You can choose not to specify an end date; in this case, you will need to end the campaign manually.
      • Until a Specific Date: Specify a desired end date for the campaign.
      • For a Specific Number of Sends: Set a maximum number of sends, after which the campaign will automatically end.

1-2. Event-Based Delivery

Send messages triggered by specific events. This allows you to create customized campaigns tailored to the customer journey.

Once the event occurs, it may take a few minutes for the message to be delivered to users.

  • Starting Event
    • You can choose the desired event to trigger the message.
    • Additional property filters can be added, or multiple events can be set using OR conditions.
  • Wait Time
    • Messages can be sent immediately after the event occurs or after waiting for a specified period.
      Example: Send a message saying, "Check out the items in your cart!" three days after the [add_to_cart] event occurs.
  • Delivery Duration
    • Start: Set a specific start date and time for sending messages.
    • End:
      • No End Date: You can choose not to specify an end date; in this case, you will need to end the campaign manually.
      • Until a Specific Date: Specify a desired end date for the campaign.
  • Delivery Restrictions
    • Messages will not be sent during the specified restricted hours. For promotional messages, "nighttime consent" is required for sending during nighttime hours (9 PM - 8 AM).
    • You can set whether to resend messages that were not delivered during the restricted hours.

1-3. API Triggered Delivery

Through API-based delivery, you can send personalized messages at the most optimal times, maximizing users' push open rates.

Messages can be sent at the moment a request is made from your internal server, allowing you to utilize automated message delivery when information on the internal server changes.


Please retrieve your API key and include it in the header when sending via the API.

The Hackle dashboard provides snippets for API-based delivery.

For important details to check when sending via the API, please refer to the HTTP API - Push message document.

Step 2. Fatigue management

Excessive push notifications can become a burden and annoyance for customers, potentially leading to service churn. If you are sending multiple push messages, you can manage customer fatigue by setting the number of times and frequency a specific customer receives messages within a given time frame.

Re-eligible delivery

  • By default, the same campaign will be sent to a user only once.
  • If you wish to allow duplicate sends, you can set the duration between the initial send and the next resend in minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months, minimizing negative customer experiences.

Frequency capping

  • You can limit the number of push messages an individual user can receive within a specified time period (based on the push send start time).
  • The frequency limit can be configured at the workspace level, and you can choose whether to apply this limit on a per-message basis.
  • You can set these limit values in the Push Settings section on the Push Messages page within the Hackle dashboard.
  • For more details, please refer to the [Push message - Frequency capping rules].

Step 3. Send a message

Once the delivery is scheduled, the campaign statistics section will be visible.

If you want to cancel the scheduled delivery, you can modify it by clicking the deactivate button.

To stop the campaign entirely, click the end button to terminate the campaign.

Step 4. Delivery complete

When the message is sent according to the scheduled time, the campaign status will automatically update.

In the campaign statistics section, you can view the actual collected metrics, including the number of receiving devices, the total sent, and the send conversion rate. By clicking the "Detailed Analysis" button, you can conduct a more in-depth campaign analysis.