Push message - Frequency capping rules

Frequency capping

When running multiple push notification campaigns simultaneously, it's crucial to ensure that users don't perceive these messages as spam or feel that their experience is being disrupted. By setting limits on the frequency of messages, you can avoid overwhelming recipients and manage campaigns more effectively.

Currently, at Hackle, you can configure the following two conditions in combination, with each frequency cap setting connected by the AND operator.
(*You can set the time in minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months, with a maximum limit of 30 days.)


Frequency capping

  1. Total send frequency cap

  2. Send frequency cap for specific tags

You can check the frequency capping details in a tooltip on the sending settings page before launching a push notification campaign.

Frequency capping Rules by Tag

  1. Frequency capping rules by tag are calculated when sending a message.
  2. The frequency capping by tag applies only to tags from the current active campaign that the user has previously received.
  3. If you send a push message with a tag that is subject to the frequency capping and then remove the tag before sending another message, the subsequent message will not be counted towards the frequency capping.
    • However, if a tag is added to a message that the user has already received, and this added tag was included before the most recent message was sent, it will be included in the frequency capping calculation.

Example Case



Here's how messages would be sent in the following scenario:

  1. Campaigns:
    1. Campaign A: Scheduled to be sent on Monday at 9 AM, using the promotion tag.
    2. Campaign B: Scheduled to be sent on Tuesday at 9 AM, using the promotion tag.
  2. Set Frequency capping Rules:
    1. Send no more than {1} push messages {with specific tag} {promotion} to a user every {1 weeks}.

Ifthen📌Final result
If a user received a message and the promotion tag was removed from Campaign A, but Campaign B is scheduled to be sent before Campaign B, then...The promotion tag from Campaign A will not be included in the frequency capping calculation.The customer will receive Campaign B.
If the promotion tag was accidentally removed from Campaign A after the user received the message, but the tag was added back on Tuesday before Campaign B is sent...The promotion tag from Campaign A will be included in the frequency capping calculation.The customer will not receive Campaign B.

Rules and Conditions

The sending frequency capping rules are composed using AND conditions for each criterion, and up to 10 conditions can be added.

AND conditions require that both operands be satisfied. Therefore, if you set the rule as follows, the user will receive only one push message with the promotion tag in that week.


  1. Send no more than {1} push messages {from all campaigns} to a user every {1 weeks}.
  2. Send no more than {5} push messages {with specific tag} {promotion} to a user every {1 weeks}.


The user can receive only one push message with the tag {promotion} per week.