Push Message Template
By utilizing Hackle's powerful cohort functionality, you can run push message campaigns for various use cases.
These are cohort template recommendations for setting the campaign target audience based on the target and purpose. You should replace the event keys with the ones used in your actual workspace.
For detailed guidance on creating cohorts, please refer to Create Cohort.
Customer Activation Campaigns
Welcome Campaign for New Signups
Target & Purpose: Encourage newly signed-up customers to use the service
Content: Welcome message, exclusive coupon issuance
Message Example:
Required Event: signup (user signup)
Example Cohort Setup: Event Type Cohort
Reactivation Campaign for Inactive Customers
Target & Purpose: Nudge customers who have not used the service recently to prevent complete churn
Content: Content recommendations, new product introductions
Message Example:
Required Event: $session_start (new session start, automatically collected by Nucklr) or Any event (sum of all events, automatically generated by Nucklr)
Example Cohort Setup: Event Type Cohort
Personalized Message Campaigns Based on Customer Interests
Message Examples
Purchase Conversion Improvement Campaign Using Interest Product Information
Target & Purpose: Send promotional information about products that customers have shown interest in but have not purchased to encourage purchase
Content: Notify about featured promotions including products of interest, offer exclusive coupons for those products, etc.
Message Example:
Required Events: add_to_favorite (add to favorites), view_item (visit product detail page)
Example Cohort Setup:
Purchase Frequency Increase Campaign Using Interest Brand Information
Target & Purpose: Provide information about brands that customers have shown interest in or frequently purchased (loyalty brands) to encourage continued purchases
Content: Notify about featured promotions including the brand, new product arrivals, sale information, offer exclusive coupons, etc.
Message Example:
Required Events: add_to_favorite (add to favorites), purchase, visit_brand_home (visit specific brand home)
Example Cohort Setup:
Revisit Campaign Using Interest Category Information
Target & Purpose: Provide information related to categories that customers frequently visit/purchase to encourage revisits
Content: Notify about featured promotions in the category, recommend popular products in the category
Message Example:
Required Event: visit_category_list (visit specific category)
Example Cohort Setup:
Purchase Encouragement Campaigns
Cart Abandonment Reminder Campaign
Target & Purpose: Nudge customers who have added items to their cart but have not completed the purchase
Content: Remind about cart items, notify about low stock, offer additional benefits
Message Example:
Required Events: add_to_cart (add to cart), view_checkout (enter checkout) or complete_order (complete purchase)
Example Cohort Setup: Funnel Type Cohort
Purchase Encouragement Campaign for Checkout Abandoners
Target & Purpose: Nudge customers who have visited the checkout page but have not completed the purchase
Content: Notify about low stock, offer faster delivery for orders, provide additional benefits
Message Example:
Required Events: view_checkout (enter checkout), complete_order (complete purchase)
Example Cohort Setup: Funnel Type Cohort
Post-Purchase Review Encouragement Campaign
Target & Purpose: Nudge customers who have made a purchase but have not written a review
Content: Encourage review writing, notify about benefits for writing a review
Message Example:
Required Events: complete_order (complete purchase), complete_review (complete review)
Example Cohort Setup: Funnel Type Cohort
Updated 9 months ago